COR Wellness

Our Strategy

Engagement and Organizational Results

Surprisingly Easy

We make the lives of our HR partners better, not harder.  We offer a variety of resources to make wellness a surprisingly easy task to manage. It starts with our fantastic onsite coaches and doctors. Your organization may not have a specific position designated to manage your wellness program and hesitate about implementing something that seems complex. That is ok because we can take on most of the work for you!

Your COR wellness program shouldn’t be causing extra stress. That would defeat the purpose and counteract your focus on health. We provide a vast amount of health information. And, the COR team is dedicated to employee health. Our wellness programs are easy to manage.


Our voluntary participation model is uniquely designed to scale to a client of any size.  Contracts are based on the number of participants we serve and time required onsite, a distinct competitive approach. Most programs charge based on total headcount.  When participants volunteer, get results, and in some cases, contribute to covering the cost of the program, the value is visible and validated.

We Adapt To Organizational Culture

Every organization does wellness differently, and that’s the way it should be!  We focus on three core areas of wellness and adapt them to you and your people, taking our evidence-based health information and integrating it with your specific organizational culture.

Think Well

Cognitive – We dedicate much of the week to work. But as we know, life is always happening around us. Feeling confident, safe, stable, and happy are all components of a happy and healthy mindset. We utilize several assessments that help members evaluate, prioritize, and execute on their goals. Managing time and stress are key components of our education, activities. Each member enters into the larger COR population of members who support and encourage a healthier lifestyle.

Eat Well

Metabolic – We are what we eat – and it shows internally and externally. Tracking the basics like weight and energy to more specific measures like blood pressure and glucose gives us, and your employees, a better picture of their overall metabolism. There isn’t one perfect diet that fits everyone, but we do use the right education, assessments, and tools to track and make individual improvements. The COR team of experts will help employees understand how diet and medication are impacting them and can help them improve their wellbeing.

Move Well

Structural – Many jobs require mobility, flexibility, strength, and endurance to deliver on expectations.  When our bodies are stressed or in pain, our health begins to decline. The COR team of experts design your employee program and ultimately customize individual plans that focus on body education, fitness, structural alignment, and building routine. By tracking over 12 fit-for-duty measures, we ensure employees can build their structural health and contribute to the health of the business.

We Are Highly Inclusive

Research continues to support the importance of a holistically healthy lifestyle; our wellness programs address health on multiple levels. Many wellness programs only reward people who are already healthy, and wind up punishing those who have a long road to wellness in front of them. Not Cor, we will celebrate the small victories along the way and keep everyone engaged.

We can also extend into the home to impact the health of spouses and dependents.

We Go Hand in Hand with Members and Tech

Technology is ever-changing. New trends hit the market every day. Employee wellness programs have worked hard to keep up, and often digital platforms increase sedentary behavior by giving points for watching videos.

We complement existing rewards programs and wearable devices and add a much-needed high-touch component.  This way, participants can track performance with online platforms and see the progress they make through our high-touch coaching.

Onsite Wellness is Incredibly Popular

Many organizations leverage this perk to attract and keep the best talent. In fact, the Society for Human Resource Management reported that, in 2015, 80% of employers offered preventative wellness services and information.  They also need to be effective – we are!

We Pay Off

The popularity of well-run wellness programs is well-deserved. Corporate wellness programs are successful in a lot of different ways. For companies, wellness programs have been shown to have an average return on investment (ROI) of about 3:1. Outside of the direct financial gains, companies have seen reductions in employee absenteeism, staff turnover, and employee stress.

For participants, our wellness programs have been associated with a whole host of health benefits. For all parties involved, Cor wellness programs are working.